What People Say about Me

Some of the Amazing Clients I’ve Worked With

“I worked with Aleksandra as Product Manager, and she is a skilled Senior Product Designer. Aleksandra consistently showed strong dedication and precision in her work. She has a keen eye for detail, ensuring that each part of her design serves a purpose and improves the user experience. Her focus on the user’s perspective and well-being was a valuable asset to our team..”
Hanna Feczko
Product Manager - Localo
“Neque felis sit enim, interdum est et nunc, ultrices sit viverra euismod mauris etiam egestas aliquet.”
Chris Evan
Editor at Daily Nation
“Elit volutpat ut in hac quisque feugiat dui diam consequat ipsum consectetur odio quis consequat aenean cursus libero quam mattis.”
Bruno Diaz
Manager of Digibiz Agency
"Ola is an experienced Product Designer, with a strong focus on understanding user needs. She herself has often stressed that a designer in an organization should be an advocate for the user, and this is how she approaches her role. She has a strongly broad and holistic view of the product and combines many extensive aspects involved in product development. In addition, she has a very good sense of aesthetics, which has left its mark on the current design of the uPatient portal, putting it in line with the best visual digital products."
Szymon Paluch
CTO - uPacjenta
“Mollis sem amet, posuere iaculis purus sed id duis viverra ornare sem quis etiam urna amet id eleifend malesuada arcu aliquam phasellus euismod amet.”
Damian Joe
Founder of Dallan Clothing
“Vestibulum leo, lectus ac scelerisque semper augue egestas orci feugiat pretium, eget consectetur risus molestie mattis lacus, ac lorem sollicitudin dictumst in lorem mauris elit dignissim in praesent eleifend in ullamcorper diam.”
Cynthia Robinson
Manager of ExtraMail